3rd - 9th March 2025

I recently had a lovely catch up with some friends who I hadn’t seen in quite a long time. Following the time together I was struck by the knowledge that often people can be caught up in many challenges and difficult life circumstances which can go unknown until we sit down together and take time to properly ask questions and hear what is going on in each other’s lives. 

Life is tough. 

Jesus told us in His Word that it would be so.

I remember hearing someone teach on the story from Numbers 13 and 14 where God tells Moses, after many years of wandering in the wilderness, to send men to explore the land of Canaan, which God had promised to the Israelites. So, Moses sent 12 leaders from each of the tribes of Israel. Faced with the beauty and challenges of the land and life which lay ahead of them, the 12 came back with differing responses. 10 men made note of the bounty and beauty but saw the size and strength of the enemies in the land and concluded “we can’t” (Numbers 13:31). Caleb and Joshua had a different perspective - they said “Let’s go” (13:30), “The Lord is with us” (14:9). In many ways, one group magnified the problems and made them giants; the other magnified the Lord, concluding that God was bigger than any giant. It was a matter of perspective! 

I have often thought about that in the time since I heard it. When faced with life’s challenges, we have the wonderful opportunity to come back to the word of God and remember who God is and magnify Him, who leaves us better equipped - and with a better perspective - to face the giants of life.  

This week as we magnify who God is, I would like to focus on some of the names of God from His word and use these to fuel our prayers. 

Written by Helen Kennedy



Exodus 3:11-14

Lord, we come to You today, aware that our minds struggle to comprehend the entirety and depth of who You are. We know that You are eternal, Your existence is absolute. Nothing can ever change Your character and we know we can rely on You. As Moses asked, “Who am I to appear before Pharaoh and lead the people out of Egypt?”, we are mindful of the doubts we may have about our own capability to do the tasks ahead of us this week and deal with the giants before us. Thank You that the answer to Moses’ question was not found in his sufficiency, but in Yours. Thank You that this is true for us today too. Lord, YOU ARE. You are everything we have needed, do need and will need in the future. Help us to rest in You today. 


El Roi - The God who sees me

Genesis 16:13

Frustrated by her lack of a child, Sarai took matters into her own hands and told her husband Abraham to take her servant Hagar as a wife. Later, when Hagar conceived, we’re told that Hagar treated Sarai with contempt. I can thankfully only imagine the convoluted dynamics of that relationship; the jealousy, the anger, the hurt. Sarai then treated Hagar so harshly that Hagar fled into the wilderness. I picture the hot, dry, pregnant misery of her position - an outcast who has run out of options and resorted to wilderness survival. And yet an angel of the Lord finds her and speaks to her about her situation and her son to come. She ends up in response to God saying “You are the God who sees me”. 

Lord, today we pray, knowing that You see us and hear us. You know us better than we know ourselves and we look forward to the day when we will see you as clearly as You know and see us. We pray particularly for those who may feel ‘unseen’ in our communities - those shrouded by shame, the people who live on the fringes of life. For those who are lonely today, help them to understand that You see them, You understand and You know their needs. For those who are living in fear with illnesses that seem to overtake their lives, would they feel seen, loved and comforted by You today. For those who are victims of racism and sectarianism, surround them with the knowledge that You see them, know them and care for them. For those who parent children on their own, Lord, show them that You see their heartache and their effort and you understand them and their children better than anyone else. For the family who are battling secret drug addictions, give them hope, perseverance and opportunities for support. Thank You, Lord, that today You will miss nothing that goes on in this world. You are the God who sees us. 


El Elyon - God most high

Psalm 78:35

When we look around the world or catch up on the news, we are quickly reminded of the massive challenges facing our leaders and those in power locally, nationally and internationally. There may be decisions made which we struggle to understand and cannot get behind. There may be things said which leave us aghast. We may find common ground with others and find hope in their message. This verse in the Psalms reminds us aptly that no matter the situation, we all must remember that it is God who is our Rock. God most High is our Redeemer. 

Father, we thank You today for this reminder that we so need to hear when we find ourselves in the despairs of life and are looking around us for those who will lead us forward. You stand above all things; all rulers and powers and authorities. You are God most High. Help us to submit in a godly way to those in positions of authority. Help us to hold to Your truth as we do so. God, we pray for our councillors, our MLAs, our MPs, our Prime Minister and world leaders. Give them integrity, wisdom, grace and humility. We pray for our bosses, our teachers, our elders. Lord, give them energy, hope and wisdom. Would they all come to a reliance on you as their Rock and Redeemer.


El Shaddai  - God Almighty 

Genesis 35:11 

When I looked at the meaning of Shaddai I was interested to find that some scholars believe it to be derived from the Hebrew word, ‘Shad’, meaning ‘breast’. Thus, this name can speak of the sustenance and nourishment which comes from God. Other interpretations focus on God’s might and power in overcoming all opposition. He has succeeded and will succeed in what He plans to do. 

Lord, today we are mindful that faced with challenges, we forget to view these in the perspective of an Almighty God. Either our problem can seem too big or we can quite simply seem too small. Just as a nursing infant, we want to draw close to You today and be nourished by You. We know Your nourishment will give us strength to grow and go forward. We bring each other to You, praying for ourselves and others who have struggled to come close for nourishment. You have what we need. Help us to carve time for You and find new ways to seek You and know you in the ordinary tasks and routines of our days - in work, on car drives, doing the laundry, taking a photo, reading to children, picking up a piece of rubbish, having a cup of tea. When the challenges ahead of us feel too big for ourselves, remind us that we are nourished by a God who has already overcome all opposition. Thank You that we stand on ground which Christ has already won.


Jehovah Rapha - The God who heals 

Psalm 103:3

I don’t know about you but sometimes I read the Bible and some passages are harder to grasp or accept than others. David tells us in this Psalm that God forgives all his sins and heals all his diseases. And I catch myself saying, “But what about…?” I think many of us may be the same if we’re honest. And yet, if we believe God’s word to be true and sovereign, then the God who told the Israelites in Exodus 15, “I am the Lord who heals you” is the same God who walks each path with us. Ultimately, healing will come to each of us in its true form when we meet our Saviour in heaven but we can also know God’s healing power - physically, emotionally and spiritually - here on earth. 

Lord, we believe that You are who You say You are. You are Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals. Thank You for the promise of heaven. Thank You for our faithful brothers and sisters who have gone before us and are with You in heaven in all your splendour and glory. Thank You for those who have known Your healing in remarkable miraculous ways. Thank You for those who experience the slow journey of healing - perhaps through surgical intervention, medical treatments or psychological supports. For those with chronic health conditions today, be their strength and peace. Help them as they navigate stages of illness and adjust to new ways of doing things. Find them in their places of joy and despair. Grant them grace for those who seek to care for them and sustain those who provide this care. For those suffering from mental illnesses, Lord, help them to know Your hope. Help them to find useful ways to manage anxiety and distress and bring Your healing to their lives. We mention those known to us by name now. Thank you, Lord.


Yahweh Yireh - The Lord will provide 

Genesis 22:14

When God decides to test Abraham’s faith by asking him to climb a mountain and then sacrifice his son, Isaac, on an altar which Isaac had just helped Him build, He is painting a very clear picture of the amazing sacrifice He will make through His Son, Jesus. I’ll be honest, it’s a hard read for me. When God sees Abraham’s faith as he lifts the knife, he stops Abraham and points him to the lamb caught in the thicket as a replacement sacrifice. Abraham sacrifices the lamb and names the place “The Lord will provide”. 

Father, we thank You for the ultimate provision You have made for us through the sacrifice of Your Son on the cross. Thank You that He took my place and the punishment that I deserved. Thank You that His sacrifice makes relationship with You a reality, both in this life and the life to come. We also pray today for areas where we need Your provision, whether in practical, emotional or spiritual terms. We mention those needs to You now and think of those in our spheres too. In particular we pray for Your provision within our church at Glenabbey. We are mindful of the gap in finances which currently exists and we pray that You will point each of us to how we can be people who provide towards the work of Your Church. Please give the elders and leadership team Your wisdom in making decisions in this area.


Lord, as we have reflected on some of Your names this week, please meet us where we most need it. Encourage our church body with a right perspective of who You are amidst all of the ups and downs of life. 

As we take a few moments to think upon You today, we remember that You are:

El Roi - The God who sees me

El Elyon - God most high

El Shaddai  - God Almighty 

Jehovah Rapha - The God who heals

Yahweh Yireh - The Lord will provide

Thank You, God, that You are before all things and in You all things hold together. Amen. 


10th-16th March 2025


24th February - 2nd March 2025